Why human rights project? Why democracy?
Why Human Rights? Why Democracy?
Unfortunately, in Europe, especially in Germany, right-wing extremist movements are on the rise, and it is expected that in the coming years, they will be able to secure more votes for themselves.
The threat posed by the growth of these extremist movements is very concerning for many people, particularly political activists.
At the Human Rights Action Association, we decided to organize the project "Why Human Rights, Why Democracy?" as part of our fight against right-wing extremist movements in Germany, in collaboration with other political and social activists.
The project, Why Human Rights, Why Democracy?, which will begin in October 2023 in schools across the Schleswig-Holstein region of Germany, is an effort by Iranian political and social activists to share their experiences of life in a dictatorship and the lack of freedoms that have led these individuals to live in exile today.
Afterward, we will visit the Neuengamme Memorial Center to raise awareness among our audience about the growing threat of extremist movements in Europe, especially in Germany, by reflecting on Germany's history.
This project is financially supported by the Create Future Association and the Democracy Development Center of Schleswig-Holstein.
Speech at night school in Flensburg

Aktion für Menschenrechte e.V. or individual projects are/were supported by

Aktion für Menschenrechte e.V.
24939 FLensburg
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